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Playoff teams were determined after the teams qualifying for the NY District Tournament were taken out and the proper tie breakers applied. 

In some instances with cross-over games with another division, the division record was used to determine seeding not overall record.  

**NOTE** Sport Ngin uses different tie breakers than WNYAHL. Therefore in some  divisions, the standings may not reflect the correct tiebreakers that are applied to all league standings and Q games. 

Playoff teams were determined after the teams qualifying for the NY District Tournament were taken out and the proper tie breakers applied. 

In some instances with cross-over games with another division, the division record was used to determine seeding not overall record.  

**NOTE** Sport Ngin uses different tie breakers than WNYAHL. Therefore in some  divisions, the standings may not reflect the correct tiebreakers that are applied to all league standings and Q games.